Friday, 8 April 2011

Everything starts from something.

Hello surfers of the lost continents of zhe interwebs.

You’ve bumped into a blog of two wow-players; me, Naïma, and my friend Sazz. We decided to start this blog in the fashion where we can just throw all our nerdiness about the game and the time that revolves around it, amongst other things. You'll see a lot of randomness and occasional srs business - you have been warned.


I'm really excited that me and Sazz finally got this thing going, seeing as we've been talking about it a lot on the past few months and it took just one evening of inspiration to get this thing going. The blog is still a bit unfinished, as we're learning to tweak some things and enhancing it for our viewing pleasures. I'm sure we both have a shitload of things to share about this game, if only for the fun of being able to read about it later in here.

I guess some sort of introduction will be necessary.
I'm Naïma, closing in my 20-year bday and I play WoW. Simple, right? I play a feral druid in the realm of Ravenholdt( EU ), which is an RP-PvP server, fitting my own interests about the game :) I'm an Officer of a guild called the Grey Company, an RP-PvP guild that one as well. I'm also the worlds greatest lootwhore, geargrinder and itemdrooler, meaning that I love everything that's even minimally rare, legendarily hard to get, or something that shapeshifts you. My bank is always full and the lack of bag space that I have makes me QQ alot ( and is also known among anyone who has been around me long enough... ). Seriously, it's not even funny. Blizzard, where's my 50 slot bags?
- I started playing on a trial account in December 2009, but because I'm great with technology, I went and broke my laptop. That meant that I didn't buy the game nor play at all for 5 months, until May 2010 I got enough money to buy a new laptop that has served me as a loyal... servant. From my very early levels I joined the guild Covenant of Hatred, but later on, as the guild's leader continued to be inactive, me and my friend Stealthr decided to go forth and join tGC - a guild we had been interested for some time now already. That's where I still have my home, and as mentioned earlier, I've advanced to the rank of an Officer :)

My main is Naïma, a lvl 85 feral druid. She's the one I've been all the time and not until recently have I picked up any alts or anything else to play with. My love for the class and especially the feral spec is strong and heated at moments as well, making Blizzard patch notes sometimes only a QQ-drama to read about. I call myself an RP'er and a PvP'er, but on neither aspects can I / do I want to call myself a pro. I love RP with its good twists, and there's just so much fun going on with the ganking, BG's and the occasional arenas that I do ( and which I should do more... ). I absolutely love being the hybrid, able to heal, dps and tank if needed ( gear grinding makes a PvP'er a PvEloller! ).
- As mentioned earlier, not as of late have I taken alts to level, my dearest of them my tauren paladin Alairn ( yes, cows are awesome. shut up. ). Which brings me to the part of awesomesauce news - she just dinged lvl 70! Ready to rock on her full Brutal main- and offset items, she's quite the sight and fun as hell to heal with on BG's. Of course, it would've probably been a dull grind and completely unfinishable for me if I hadn't been leveling with guildies! :) There where five of us who started leveling taurens at the same time. Our group consisted of a warrior ( for tank ), paladin ( for healing ), druid ( for dps ), priest ( for dps/offheal ) and hunter ( for dps. obv. ) - in the end we are now at the point of being only 2 - my holymoo and Lylma's warrior, Gumpa. From lower levels to lvl 70 we've done most our leveling through dungeons, the full group giving us instant queues ( tank/healer combo continuing to do so ;D ), but we went to our fare share of BG's, as it was planned to get full Brutal once we hit the magic of lvl 70.

Say hello to holymoo and her tankmoo!

My other alts consist of another druid, Rhanna ( what. why are you giving me that look? ) and a shaman called Agrelian. Both of them I blissfully ignore if Sazz isn't in the mood of leveling their leveling partners, which is why I have sticked with focusing on Alairn.
I guess that goes for an introduction :P Both me and Sazz have our own topics, so you can read a lot of cool ( well, prolly un-cool too. ) stuff from here! Stick around and we'll give you a bumpy ride.

Naïma xxx

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